V-I characteristics of Silicon and Germanium diodes and measurement of static and dynamic resistances

V-I characteristics of Silicon and Germanium diodes and measurement of static and dynamic resistances

                   The terminal K is called the cathode or the negative electrode. The terminal A is called the                      anode or the positive terminal. We also refer the terminals as p-side and n-side terminals.

A)    FORWARD BIAS: When the terminal ‘K’ is connected to the negative terminal of the supply and the terminal ‘A’ is connected to the positive of the power supply the diode is said to be “forward biased”. In other words when p-side of the junction diode is connected to the positive and n-side is connected to the negative of the power supply the diode is connected in the “forward” direction. The diode  gets forward biased only when Vf > Vr. The forward biased diode is shown in figure (3). The atomic voltage drop across the body of the device is zero under ideal conditions. In the forward biased diode the height of the “potential energy barrier “ at the junction gets lowered by the magnitude of the forward bias VF. This disturbs the initial equilibrium between the forces tending to cause diffusion of “majority carriers” across the junction and the opposing influence of the potential energy barrier at the junction. Now “holes” cross the junction from the p-region to the n-region while the electrons cross the unction from the n-region to the p-region. Flow of both types of carriers causes conventional electric current from p-region to n-region and these components get added. Hence under forward biased condition (i.e Vf > vr) the following occur.

                                                  1.      Resistance offered by the junction is low.
                                                  2.      P-N junction acts as a closed switch.
                                                  3.      Width of the depletion region is reduced.
                                                  4.      Drift current increases with increase in bias.

Cut-in Voltage Vg: Cut-in voltage is defined as the voltage at which 1% of the rated current flows. In practical terms, this is the voltage at which the diode may be considered to start the conduction.
                                                                       For Ge, Vg = 0.2v.
                                                                       For Si,  Vg= 0.6v.
B)    REVERSE BIAS CONDITION: a P-N diode with reverse bias condition i.e., with positive terminal of the battery Vr connected to the n-side and negative terminal connected to the p-side. This reverse bias causes both holes in the p-region and electrons in the n-region to move away from the junction. Hence the region of negative charge density on the p-side and region of positive charge density on the n-side become wider i.e., the width of the depletion region increases. Further the height of the potential energy barrier increases with increase in Vr, the applied voltage. This increased barrier height serves to reduce the flow of majority carriers to the other side i.e, holes from p-side to n-side and electrons from n-side to p-side. However the flow of minority carriers remains uninfluenced by the increased barrier height. Since these minority carriers fall down the potential energy barrier, nominally zero current flows under reverse bias condition as there are a few number of minority carriers. However a small current does flow in the reverse direction i.e., from n-region to p-region across the junction. This extremely small reverse current is called reverse saturation current (Io) The magnitude of Io for Ge is about few mA and for silicon it is a few nano amperes(nA).
      Hence under reverse biased condition.
                                                       1.      The resistance of the diode increases
                                                       2.      The width of the depletion region increases.

                                                       3.      The current is extremely low.



1.      Connect the circuit as shown in the corresponding circuit diagram.
2.      Increase the supply voltage from zero volts. Observe the corresponding value of current.
3.      For every value of forward voltage across the diode, observe the value of current and record it.

NOTE: The graph should be drawn showing that the voltage Vf is an Independent parameter hence the supply voltage must be varied and corresponding value of current must be noted.

4.      Observe the voltage across the diode where current If just starts flowing through the diode. Now record the values of voltage and current.
5.      The cutin voltage should be clearly observed and noted.
6.      Increase the diode voltage in suitable steps without exceeding the maximum values indicated after the cutin voltage to obtain a smooth curve.
7.      Repeat the above procedure for Si diode also observing some precautions.
8.      Plot the graphs and obtain the dynamic and static resistance from the    V-I characteristics. Compare them with the expected values.


1.      Connections are to be made as per the corresponding circuit diagram.
2.      The independent parameter i.e., the diode voltage VR is varied from zero volts and corresponding values of the reverse current IR is observed.
3.       Vary the supply voltage from zero volts. Note the values of  VR and IR.
4.      Tabulate all the observations.
5.      Repeat the above procedure for Si diode.
6.      Find the dynamic and static resistance from the graph.


For Ge diode


1.          What do you understand by a junction diode?

2.          Is the P-N junction diode a passive element or an active element?

3.          What is the importance of the type number given to the various diodes?

4.          What is meant by potential barrier across a P-N junction?

5.          What is the significance of a diode as a device?

6.          What is cut in voltage? What is the value of cutin voltage for Ge
         and Si diodes. What is the reason for the difference in cutin?
         Voltage of Ge and Si.

7.          Explain physically how a P-N junction functions as a rectifier.

8.          What is the expression for the total current in a P-N junction? How
         does it vary with the applied voltage?

9.          What do you understand by a reverse saturation current? What
         are the typical values?

10.     Why is the magnitude of the current in the forward biased diode
         greater than that in the reverse biased diode?

11.     How does the reverse saturation current vary with temperature
         for Ge and Si diodes? Is it of significance while the circuit 
         designer chooses a particular device in design?

12.    What do you understand by dynamic and static resistance? How
        are these values obtained graphically?

13.    Define the terms forward and reverse resistance of a P-N
        Junction diode.

14.    Explain the capacitive effects in a junction.

15.    What are the various applications of a P-N junction diode?