Understanding Working of NFS

Understanding Working of NFS

File sharing Server’s:
1.      NFS: Network File System
      These servers are used in LAN
2.      FTP: File Transfer Protocol
      These servers are used in WAN & LAN
3.      Samba Server:
      These servers are used in Linux & Window heterogeneous networks.

Note: 1. NFS is used in LAN because bandwidth for NFS is more than compared with FTP and Samba.
          2. STP is used in WAN because FTP requires very less bandwidth when compared to NFS.

NFS (Network File System):-

Configuration Steps:

1)      Copy all the shared files to a single location
aa bb cc
2)      Create new file inside the share directory
aa bb cc
3)      Packages:
i)                    nfs-utils: to un-install the nfs-utils
ii)                  portmap (please do not uninstall portmap
4)      services nfs
5)      Daemons:
6)      Main Configuration File:        /etc/exports


Ø  Make a directory named nfsshare with files aa bb cc:

#mkdir /nfsshare
#cd /nfsshare
#touch aa bb cc
            aa bb cc

Ø  Check if the nfs-utils package is installed or not:

#rpm –q nfs-utils (Prints a message whether package is installed or not)
#rpm –q portmap

Ø  To reinstall the package first remove it with the following commands:

#services nfs stop
#rpm –e nfs-utils

#rm –rf /var/lib/nfs/xtab--------àremove

Ø  If package is not installed then there are two ways to install:

1.      Download from FTP and install
#ping the server
#rpm –ivh* --force –aid
2.      Install from CD
#mount /dev/cdrom/mnt
#cd /mnt
#cd Fedora
#cd RPMS

#rpm –ivh nfs-utils* --force –aid
#rpm –ivh portmap* --force –aid

Ø  After installing the nfs-utils package create file as below:

#vi /etc/exports
Note:in vi-editor write this content  (/nfsshare server ipaddress and no. of systems that are connected in network)

Ø  After installing services enter the command to restart

#services nfs restart

Note: execute this command twice because first it will show failed second time it will show ok.

Ø  Access to NFS share from client:

#mount –t nfs

Note: In client machine enter Server Ipaddress

1)      #ping –b
Broadcasts the address in the network only.
2)      #ssh
Connects the PC to another PC just like Terminal connection in Windows.
3)      In NFS all files & Directory are by default in read only mode.
Common KVM Switch: Using a KVM switch a monitor, keyboard,  and a mouse can be connected to two computers.